My Story

Where to start? Probably with my mom, who was a reluctant (but good) cook, glad to have her oldest daughter take over in the kitchen on occasion. My specialties were chocolate chip cookies and semi-homemade pizza (to this day, unless I’m trying to be really “fancy”, I’m still happy using Chef Boyardee pizza mix with lots of “extras”!).

Fast forward to a young mother with a full-time job, once in a while farm chores, chasing 3 kids in school activities, piano lessons, sports teams, etc, etc, cooking for a meat and potatoes family, with little time to experiment in the kitchen. An occasional special meal, birthday dinner, lots of decorated birthday cakes thrown in, but not much cooking for fun.

Next chapter, same 3 kids, new husband, 3 new kids. Busy days! But good food is important in this new family I married into, so the creative cooking juices start flowing again. Family parties include a huge buffet of food, ranging from enchiladas to cinnamon bread.

The present: Kids are grown (or nearly grown), business sold, more time to cook. Time to try new recipes, perfect old recipes, set a nice table, serve meals with love.  I compiled a cookbook for family and friends, completed (just barely) in time for Christmas gifts last year.

We travel, we enjoy lake life, we raise labs, we eat delicious food in restaurants and at home. We enjoy each other, our children, our extended family and friends. We are thankful for our wonderful life!